Poppy Distribution Schedule:
The link to the Poppy Distribution schedule for the next two weekends is now posted in our Teams channel and also in the Classroom. Follow the link and find your name. There are tabs for both Guelph Weekends as well as for Fergus and Elora.
Keep in mind that this is a live document meaning that it is prone to changes so be sure to check it often to ensure you shift location has not changed.
Cadets are asked to arrive 5 minutes early and be prepared to have poppy boxes delivered to them by staff who are driving to drop these off to a few locations so please expect some to be dropped a few minutes after the start of your shift. I ask that parents wait with their cadets until staff have arrived and given the thumbs up. If parents have offered to stay with your cadet, they are more than welcome to but know that we have adequate staff supervision. Know that you are welcome to stay.
Be sure to bring a bottle of water and if you are signed up for more than one shift in a row, please also bring a snack. If you are scheduled all day, then be sure to being enough food to sustain you for the day.
Most locations have more than enough cadets to rotate through some breaks/time off so be sure to communicate with the supervising officer or senior cadet.
Questions to xo@rcsccajax.ca & co@rcsccajax.ca or in the Teams channel and one of us will respond.
Please check your cadet overcoat pockets. Two weeks ago (19 OCT) someone mistakenly picked up the wrong jacket and the one they picked up by mistake contains some very important documents belonging to another cadet. If you locate these in your jacket please send me an email to co@rcsccajax.ca. Parents, please have your cadet check their cadet overcoat pockets
Thank you
Lt(N) Patterson
Poppy Campaign is almost here!
Thank you to all those who have already signed up. We are doing really well towards our goal of 100% sign up but there are still a few of you (about 8 or 9 of you) who haven't yet signed up. Please remember that this is not an optional activity and that everyone must participate in some shifts. If you have questions please see the XO or myself on Wednesday.
Poppy Campaign Sign Up Form
The sign up link for the google form can be found in either the Classroom Stream or on Teams. All cadets must participate in this activity as Citizenship is part of your mandatory requirements. Please read the form carefully, check your schedules and provide your responses. I would like to see everyone do at least 50% of the shifts over the 2 weekends. That is 5 out of the 10 available shifts. For particular circumstances, please discuss with the XO or myself. High school hours will be signed off after Remembrance Day. Questions about this activity may be sent to admin@rcsccajax.ca which will reach both of us.
This Saturday - Mandatory Seamanship Training Day
See attachment for details. Dress C5 (STU), wear your Parka's! Drop off at 0845, pick up at 1700.