Range is unfortunately CANCELLED tonight (Monday April 3rd).
No RANGE practice tonight!
See you on Wednesday!
1. Summer Training Sign Up Form!
Long awaited form to sign up for summer training! Please use link posted in either Teams or Classroom. I would ask that everyone complete the form even if you don't plan to attend summer activities. This way your response will be noted!
2. Virtual PCOC (Pleasure Craft Operator's Card) and ROC-M (Restricted Operator's Certificate - Marine) Training!
Virtual PCOC courses will consist of the following dates and serials:
a. 23SCOP_vPCOC_A (Mo 13 Feb 23 – 27 Mar 23) no class 13 Mar;
b. 23SCOP_vPCOC_B (Tu 14 Feb 23 – 28 Mar 23) no class 14 Mar;
c. 23SCOP_vPCOC_C (We 15 Feb 23 – 29 Mar 23) no class 15 Mar;
d. 23SCOP_vPCOC_D (Th 16 Feb 23 – 30 Mar 23) no class 16 Mar;
e. 23SCOP_vPCOC_E (13 – 17 Mar 23 AM session) – March Break;
f. 23SCOP_vPCOC_F (13 - 17 Mar 23 PM session) – March Break;
4. Virtual ROC(M) courses will be run over the March Break
a. 23SCOP_vROCM_A (13 – 17 Mar 23 in AM);
b. 23SCOP_vROCM_B (13 – 17 Mar 23 in PM);
5. Times are expected to be as follows:
a. Evening PCOC courses: 1900 – 2030 hrs EST;
b. Morning courses: 0900 – 1130 hrs EST;
c. Afternoon courses: 1300 – 1530 EST hrs;
You must be able to commit to all the sessions needed. Ideally, PCOC should be completed first followed by ROCM. These are civilian qualifications that you will have for life. Please let the CO know ASAP if you would like to attend.
To ensure the safety of cadets and staff, in person cadets is cancelled tonight! For those in high school, consider this a bonus study night!
We will be holding a brief Teams meeting to provide this week's announcements and to answer any questions about Summer Training from cadets and/or parents.
See Classroom or Teams app for the link.
Summer Training Information!
Yes, it is that time again! Initial summer training information is attached for your review. Course descriptions, prerequisites, anticipated training dates and course duration are included.
Summer training in any format is a valuable opportunity for cadets to learn and solidify skills they started during the training year as well as expanding their horizons into new areas. I highly recommend considering one of the open opportunities.
Year 1 cadets may only select CAP 1 training which is a 4-day experience held in day camp style format (no overnight component). If the dates for the Guelph serial don’t work for you, please have a look at those in surrounding areas to see if they work better for you. Please note though that you would be responsible for transportation to and from all locations.
Year 2 cadets may only select CAP 2 training which is a 7-day experience with an overnight component (2 nights 3 days away). Similar to the above, if the dates for the Guelph serial don’t work for you, please have a look at those in surrounding areas to see if they work better for you. Please note though that you would be responsible for transportation to and from all locations.
Year 3 cadets and beyond have a number of in person training experiences ranging in length from 2 to 6 weeks. The attached information describes all of them for you.
Not everyone is guaranteed to go however I always do everything in my power to ensure that those who wish to participate in summer training can do so.
Very shortly, a summer training request form will be created and posted for you to submit your choices.
Parent questions may be directed to the CO at co@rcsccajax.ca.