Activity: Sail Training Days
When: Saturday, September 30, 2023
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Dress: Civilian Attire (appropriate for sailing)
Drop off: 0700 at the Ship (both days)
Pick up: 1730 at the Ship (approx. – we’ll update--e the website when we leave)
Lunch: Lunch is provided both days, but you are welcome to bring some snacks, refillable water bottle with water, etc. (**reminder – this is a nut free building)
Note: you must have the following items with you to sail. You will get wet this weekend.
- Health Card (must be the physical card, no pho-tocopies)
- Re-fillable water bottle
- At least 2 pairs of soft-soled running shoes (not open sandals nor hard-soled boots) – one of which can get wet!! (water shoes recommended)
- Sunscreen;
- Hat;
- Sunglasses with strap;
- Sweater;
- T-shirts (suitable style, no offensive slogans);
- Sweat pants or other long pants etc;
- Bathing suit;
- Towels (2)
- Wind breaker/warm jacket;
- 1 complete change of dry clothing including footwear to wear home (Jeans are not recommended as they don’t offer good warmth)
Emergency contact(s): Sat – Lt(N) Patterson 519-820-6491
Sun – Lt(N) Gingerich 519-504-2580
*If you wear eyeglasses you must have some sort of retention device to keep them on your head.
*This is two separate days, taking the bus there both mornings.
*Current Forecast: CHECK ON FRIDAY!!!
*Please note that it may be cool/rainy on this weekend but we will sail regardless as long as weather conditions are favourable and safe. Bring warm clothes to change into for the ride home!!!
Activity: Sports/Fitness Nights
When: Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Dress: Civilian Attire (running shoes, shorts, t-shirt)
Drop off: 1830
Pick up: 2130
Where: Mitchell Woods Public School
670 Willow Rd, Guelph, ON N1H 8K2 *Do not come to the Ship!
*We have not secured locations for the rest of the year so we’ll keep you updated as we can
Activity: Marksmanship Training Day
When: Saturday, October 14, 2023
Dress: Civilian Attire (suitable for firing the air rifle)
Drop off: 0845 at the Ship
Pick up: 1700 at the Ship
Lunch: Lunch is provided, but you are welcome to bring some snacks, refillable water bottle with water, etc. (**reminder – this is a nut free building)
Note: you must have the following items with you.
- Health Card (must be the physical card, no photocopies)
- Re-fillable water bottle
- Sunscreen
- Sunglasses with strap
*SAFETY – no sandals, no loose or dangling jewelry, hair secured back
New Request for Leave Form on Teams and Website
When you need to be absent from training you need to use this form starting now! If you don’t you’ll be marked as absent without leave (AWOL).
Activity: On-Water Activities
When: Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Dress: C5
Civilian Attire (new cadets)
*Everyone must wear running shoes with non-marking soles (even in C5)
*For safety reasons on this trip, hair must secured in place, no loose or dangling clothing or jewelry, and closed toed shoes (no sandals).
Drop off: 1700 (5:00pm) at the Ship
Pick up: 2200 (10:00pm) at the Ship (we’ll update the website when we leave)
Transportation: School Bus to Hamilton
Food: Supper is not being provided so please eat before coming. Light snacks are ok on the bus, but no products containing nuts, and water bottles with lids only.
Yes, this is very early and a little late for a Wednesday night, however, we promise it will be worth it! We have been given a unique opportunity to visit the racing yacht HMCS Oriole and the Hamilton Police Services Marine Unit.
HMCS Oriole is the oldest and longest serving ship in the Canadian Navy. Launched in 1921 and commissioned in 1954, Oriole remains true to its original design as an ocean racing yacht. Oriole excels in its mission providing leadership training for sailors and visiting ports of call as goodwill ambassador for the Navy. For more Click Here.
The Hamilton Police Service Marine Unit operates out of Hamilton Harbour year-round, conducting both law enforcement and rescue operations. During the boating season from April through November, the Unit actively patrols western Lake Ontario and Hamilton Harbour on a daily basis. Throughout the non-boating months of December to March, the Unit responds to marine calls on an emergency basis, as well as ice rescue situations. For more Click Here.
*Please be here for 1700 as the bus needs to leave on time.
**If the weather is cooler you may need to bring your parkas or jacket.
***You must have your Health Card with you in order to get on the bus.
Welcome back RCSCC AJAX!
On Wednesday, September 6, 2023 we will be returning to our regular training nights. Dress will be appropriate civilian attire for junior cadets and C5 for Staff Cadets (PO1+). This will be a little bit more of a casual night as we take care of administration and supply tasks, and welcome the new cadets joining us for the first time. Returning cadets please try on your uniforms now, before the first night, and bring in any uniform parts you need to exchange. We need to hit the ground running on Sep 13 as we have a special night planned in Hamilton, dress will be C5.
Attached to this announcement will be the new yearly calendar. This is a list of mandatory activities planned from September 2023 to June 2024. Note the Wednesday nights we will not be at the Ship and the weekend activities. All cadets need to complete enough of the mandatory sessions in order to move through the program and be promoted at year end. This calendar will be modified slightly as we go through the year, but all of the major dates should be there.
It's been a great summer break and we hope you've had time to recharge and refresh. Next week it's back to cadets though and we can't wait to see all of you!
Cadets attending CAP1 or CAP2!
Please check your C365 Outlook for an email with Joining Instructions and important information!
A response to acknowledge receipt of the email and the information is required.
Thank you!
To all cadets: this week, June 7, will be our last night for the training year. You are still expected to attend as we have a few things to wrap up. Dress will be civilian attire (no sandals, no ripped clothes, shoulders covered). We will likely have a physical fitness part to the night.
Chief's and PO's: We would like you to come to a meeting on June 14 about next year. This includes the PO2's. We would like your input about the training schedule and activities we choose to do. We'll meet from 1830-2000. Pick up is at 2000. Dress civilian attire.