Activity: Marksmanship Training Day
When: Saturday, October 14, 2023
Dress: Civilian Attire (suitable for firing the air rifle)
Drop off: 0845 (845am) at the Ship
Pick up: 1700 (5pm) at the Ship
Lunch: Lunch is provided, but you are welcome to bring some snacks, refillable water bottle with water, etc. (**reminder – this is a nut free building)
Note: you must have the following items with you.
- Health Card (must be the physical card, no photocopies)
- Re-fillable water bottle
- As this is an activity with safety requirements, please no sandals, no loose or dangling jewelry, hair secured back
BIATHLON Practice - TONIGHT! To be considered for the team, you must attend tonight's practice. 1830-2100hrs. Dress for outdoor running activity, we will be doing both the physical fitness and the shooting components. A schedule of practices will be provided tonight. Competition day is November 4th. See you there!
Regular Range practice is also running tonight from 7-9pm. Open to all cadets including first year cadets who completed their familiarization on Saturday.
POPPY CAMPAIGN! It is that time of year again.
The Guelph Legion is a huge supporter of our corps. Each year cadets are asked to volunteer their time to support the Guelph Legion Poppy campaign. Things are a bit different this year. A parent or guardian must stay at your location with you for the duration of a 2-hour shift. This is due to changes in the supervision requirements. Please see the attached information sheet which provides more information and answers a number of FAQs. We are asking each cadet participate in at least 3 shifts over the 2 weekends.
Cadets have access to the link through their Teams log in. Please review carefully and check your schedules BEFORE committing.
Questions may be posted here or sent to co@rcsccajax.ca or xo@rcsccajax.ca
Heading home! Fabulous sail day. Bus has left Hamilton. ETA Guelph approx 1730hrs. See you there.
Training Year Co-Op Program! Cadets in high school can receive a Co-Op credit for participation in the Cadet Program. Information is included here. Any questions may be directed to the CO. Application Form has been posted in Teams. FAQ sheet attached below.
-Cadets are highly encouraged to speak with their school guidance counsellor to ensure participation in the cadet co-op program is a right fit for them and their pathway.
-There is no cost to cadets, parents, school boards, or the corps/squadron.
-Although the program has "UCDSB" logos on the forms, the program is open to all cadets in Ontario regardless of which school board they are a student with, as long as they are a resident of Ontario, and have a minimum of 1 high school credit already obtained, or will obtain a minimum of 1 credit by June 2024. UCDSB simply runs the program for the ministry.