Remembrance Day is tomorrow! Timings are noted below - please read carefully as they are different for various groups of people.
Cenotaph Sentry for main service - PO2 Baker - as per provided timings from 11th Field Regiment (0730hrs)
Bugler - CPO2 Baker - Arrive Guelph Armoury nlt 0900hrs
Train Station Guard & Sentries - PO2 Smith, PO2 Navaneeth, MC Warraich & LC Fisher - Arrive Guelph Armoury nlt 0900hrs
Flag Party - PO1 Flores & LC Trudeau - Arrive Guelph Armoury nlt 0900hrs
All other cadets - Arrive Guelph Armoury between 0915-0925hrs
Dress of the Day is C1 with overcoat & black gloves. Cock of the Walk points will be assigned based on this dress instruction. Let's be sure to look our best and have 100% attendance.
Pick up time is approximately 1245hrs - please ensure you have a ride or have made arrangements for prompt pick up.
HMCS Harry de Wolf Tour - open only to cadets 15+ years and older and Phase 2+ (the age category is an update from the previous message)
If interested in this opportunity, please post here or send email to co@rcsccajax.ca
Saturday 18 Nov 2023
0900-1000 – briefing for all cadets at HMCS STAR (drill deck)
1000-1130 – first tours (HdW and HMCS STAR) – 25 cadets per 20 min tour
1130-1230 – lunch at HMCS STAR (drill deck) – Northern Cadets
1230-1400 – second tours (HdW and HMCS STAR) – 25 cadets per 20 min tour
1400-1600 – third tours (HdW and HMCS STAR) – 25 cadets per 20 min tour
Throughout – Cadets can visits the Great Canadian Marine Careers Expo
Please respond by today (ASAP) to the Teams message or by email to co@rcsccajax.ca
Please see link In Teams to access the schedule for Poppy Campaign for Weekend #1. Please pick up your Poppy Box at the location indicated next to your name. “Ship” is 75 Cardigan Street and “Stone” is in the Stone Rd Mall parking lot near indigo Books. We tried our best to have your pickup match your selection however in some cases it simply wasn’t possible if the locations were somewhere else. If you note any discrepancies or circumstances have changed since submission, please contact us at co@rcsccajax.ca. If you are unable to access Teams for this information, please contact us co@rcsccajax.ca and the information can be provided.
Weekend #2 is not fully finalized and is still subject to change. You will be notified to check again next Thursday for those dates. Please note that anyone who signed up for Fergus/Elora for next weekend, these locations are no longer available and we are asking you to switch your availability to Guelph. We will assume this is possible and will schedule you accordingly, however if not, please send an email to co@rcsccajax.ca.
For Fergus and Elora, please also see Teams for the the link. There are 2 tabs on the spreadsheet for each location.
Any questions may be sent to co@rcsccajax.ca
Hello Cadets and Parents,
Thank you to everyone who participated in Weekend #1 of Poppy Campaign. The weather was pretty decent and overall thus far the campaign is very successful. Weekend #2 starts on Friday 3 NOV. Please remember the following points.
1. If you can’t make your shift, please contact by email to co@rcsccajax.ca to advise. Remember, if you aren’t there, it may leave another cadet on their own and we need to know this so we can adjust accordingly.
2. The Stone Rd Mall pick up/ drop off location has been eliminated for next weekend. All pick ups and drop offs will be at the “Ship” at 75 Cardigan Street.
3. Smile and have fun while interacting with the public.
4. Dress for the weather. Some locations will allow you inside the first set of doors but most sites are outside.
5. If you need to change a shift, most likely at this point you will be dropped from the schedule as most locations are full for all shifts. Send an email as above to advise and you will get a response.
6. Please re-check the schedule at the link posted on Teams after Wednesday to confirm where you are supposed to be and when. There have been some changes from the initial planning.
7. The sign-up form will be closed on Wednesday at 1700hrs. No additional sign ups will be accepted after this time.
Wearing of Uniforms for School Remembrance Day Service
If you will be wearing your uniform to participate in your school Remembrance Day event, please complete the form on Teams. This allows us to know who, what, when and where there will be cadets in uniform. Be proud of RCSCC Ajax and yourself!
Questions may be sent to co@rcsccajax.ca or posted in the Teams chat.
Thank you