How to Join

Well, if you’re on this page it looks like you’ve made the decision to join!

This is RCSCC Ajax in Guelph, Ontario (see the ABOUT tab above for additional info).

The process only takes a few steps:

  1. You’ll go the link below and be re-directed to the Online Registration Tool (ORT) for Cadets.
  2. Read all of the instructions on that page.
  3. When you select the ORT in Step One or REGISTER NOW! at the bottom, it will ask for unit name and number.  Enter “89 AJAX” and select it.
  4. When you’re filling out the application they are looking for the cadets OHIP (Health Card) information, not private insurance.
  5. Have the Health Card available as well as the address and phone number of all parents/guardians.
  6. When the application is submitted we will receive a notification and reach out to you to complete the final steps.
  7. We prefer you submit this electronically, however there is an option to print a blank form. If you need this option please reach out to us first at
  8. When you come in for the first time you will basked to bring:
  • Health Card (we need to see it).
  • Proof of legal status to reside in Canada. This includes, but is not limited to; Birth Certificate, Passport, or Permanent resident Card (we need to see the original).
  • Proof of vaccination (if you have) including the date of the 2nd vaccination.